Fabric Gift Wrapping Ideas with Napkin
Reuse napkins at home for Fabric gift wrapping.
The Japanese Furoshiki was designed to wrap gifts, but any square piece of cloth, such as napkin, can be used to wrap a gift.
Elastic bands, in particular, make wrapping easier and offer a wider variety of DIY fabric gift wrap options.
The video below shows three designs using a thick printed napkin with a hair elastic. The napkin has a reverse side, but an elastic can be used to hide the reverse side of the fabric.
These wrapping techniques are simple and easy to create. As you see, the wrong side of napkin is hidden successfully.
The napkin is suitable for a size about the size of wrapping a paper book.
Fabric gift wrapping varies with the shape and method of wrapping, but generally, for any gift size, a gift can be wrapped with a fabric three times the size of that gift.

Enjoy reusable fabric gift wrap!
1. Hibiscus flower Gift Wrapping

How to wrap a gift with napkin and make a hibiscus
Total Time: 3 minutes
Step 1

Spread a napkin flat and place a gift in center diagonally. Grasp all four corners and tie them with elastic band. Pull all corners up tightly.
Step 2

(If the gift has a rectangular shape like a book, then you might have two short corners and two long corners.)
Select the longest corner and pull it up tightly.
Step 3

Tie a knot at the base of the corner to form a stamen.
Step 4

Place the tips of the remaining three corners into the elastic bands to form petals; one corner may be longer than the others.
If this is the case, fold the longer corner in deeper to create a petal of the same size.
Step 5

Spread petals out and arrange petals, and tie with a ribbon.
Happy fabric gift wrapping!
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Materials: -Square of fabric, such as napkin -Hair elastic -Ribbon
2. Gift Wrapping with Handle
After Step 1 above, select two short corners and tuck tips into the elastic band for petals.
Pull up two long corners tightly and make a knot at the end to make a handle.

3. Rose Gift Wrapping
Any small shape, from square to round, can be easily wrapped in napkin. As for Rose fabric gift wrapping, visit Rose Gift Wrapping.

Fabric Gift Wrapping Designs using various squares of fabric

How do you wrap a gift with fabric?

Unlike paper wrapping, cloth wrapping can wrap various shapes, including round, long, and heavy items. Try wrapping books, bottles, baskets, cups, and many other items with cloth.
Do you keep furoshiki wrapping cloth?

Furoshiki are designed to be reused. It is traditional Japanese etiquette to unwrap the furoshiki when handing a wrapped gift to the recipient and then take it back home to reuse it, but in countries where this custom is not practiced, why not use it for gift wrap between family members or close friends so that they can exchange gifts with each other?
What fabric do you use for furoshiki?

Cotton and polyester are useful because they are easy to wash. (Machine washable.) Silk and rayon require dry cleaning to wash.
Polyester is less prone to wrinkling, but cotton is easier to handle for making various shapes.
What kind of wrapping material is suitable for wrapping several stacks of books?
When wrapping heavy items such as books, it is best to wrap them in a cotton furoshiki (=Japanese gift wrapping with fabric), or any square of cotton fabric.